Annual base grants (104B) are awarded to each of the 54 state Institutes or Centers to help support applied and peer-reviewed research, education, and outreach activities on local or regional water resource issues.  The Indiana Water Resources Research Center uses the majority of 104b funding to support a competitive, peer-reviewed small grants program available to Indiana researchers focusing on basic and applied research to solve water problems unique to Indiana.

Featured Projects
Current Projects

An on-line tool to evaluate groundwater sustainability in the Upper Wabash basin

Monitoring and Assessment of Streamflow Regime in Headwater Streams of the Upper White River Watershed

Pilot study to evaluate potential use of fatty acids as condition index of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in response to upstream environmental effects

A survey of forever chemicals in Indiana: does agricultural biosolid application contaminate wetland ecosystems with per- and polyfluoroalkyl

substances (PFAS)?

Biogeochemical Cycling of Lead in Indiana Waterways

Evaluating Old Mill Ponds: Can They Provide Clean Water and Sustainable Energy?

Evaluation of direct and contaminant-associated effects of microplastic exposure on competition and dominance in a freshwater fish

A framework for optimization of green infrastructure practices selection and placement to attain runoff and water quality goals in urban watershed

Mapping the spatial distribution of cover crops to model water quality outcomes

Seasonal and hydrological controls of bioavailability of organic phosphorus in agricultural drainage waters

Impacts of urbanization on urban runoff and water quality in the contiguous U.S.

9/1/21 – 8/31/22

9/1/21 – 8/31/22

9/1/21 – 8/31/22

9/1/21 – 8/31/22


3/1/20 – 12/31/21

3/1/20 – 12/31/21

3/1/20 – 12/31/21

3/1/20 – 12/31/21

3/1/20 – 12/31/21

3/1/20 – 12/31/21

3/1/20 - 12/31/21

Past Projects

6/16/18 – 8/31/19

6/16/18 – 8/31/19

3/1/17 – 2/28/18

3/1/17 – 2/28/18

3/1/16 – 2/28/17

3/1/16 – 2/28/17

3/1/16 – 2/28/17

3/1/16 – 2/28/17

3/1/16 – 2/28/17

3/1/15 – 2/28/16

3/1/15 – 2/28/16

3/1/15 – 2/28/16

3/1/15 – 2/28/16

3/1/15 – 2/28/16

3/1/15 – 2/28/16