Featured Projects
Communicating the State of Indiana water
Water resources are sources of water that are of sufficient quality to meet human needs, when and where they are needed.
Effects of Land Use Type on Abundance and Type of Microplastic Pollution—a Contaminant of Emerging Concern in Indiana Rivers
Water quality degradation resulting from human activities represents a threat to environmental and human health.
Evaluation of sub-lethal effects of neurodegenerative cyanotoxins on predator-prey interactions in a freshwater fish
Cyanobacteria are prevalent blue-green algae that impact Midwestern freshwater systems, important environmental and economic resources.
Estimating watershed residence times in artificially-drained landscapes and relation to nutrient concentrations.
Nutrient runoff from agricultural lands leads to Harmful Algae Blooms and eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems including the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico.
Effectiveness of wetland restoration in mitigating extreme streamflows under future climate change in the White River watershed of Indiana
Climate change directly affects the availability of water resources in the US Midwest, including Indiana.
Characterizing aquifer geometries in Northern Indiana by profiling the buried bedrock surface with geophysical techniques
Groundwater resource assessments in glaciated regions require buried bedrock elevation data to provide information related to aquifer geometry and to determine water-resource availability.