
The IWRRC partners page highlights the collaboration between the Indiana Water Resources Research Center and various organizations, including academic institutions, government agencies, and non-profits.

Algal bloom action team logo

Algal Bloom Action Team

The North Central Region Algal Bloom Action Team (ABAT) was formed in 2018 to review Extension programs in the North Central Region related to harmful algal blooms (HABs) and recommend future HAB outreach to help combat this issue. The team is comprised of representatives from Extension and the Water Resources Research Institutes at each of the land-grant universities within the North Central Region, including the IWRRC.

After performing a region-wide needs assessment and publishing a report on their findings, our team has been working to make emergent HAB research accessible to agriculture and natural resource educators across the region. Our group is working to create HAB webinars, factsheets, a comprehensive frequently asked questions database, and a photo library of HAB images. More information on each of our initiatives is is available here.

Indiana Water Monitoring Council logo

Indiana Water Monitoring Council

The Indiana Water Monitoring Council (InWMC) serves as a broad-based, state-wide body to enhance the communication, collaboration and coordination of professionals, organizations, and individuals involved in water monitoring within Indiana. Founded in 2008, the InWMC:

  • Provides a forum for communication among groups that are monitoring
  • Promotes sharing monitoring information including data, and effective procedures and protocols for sample collection
  • Facilitates the development of collaborative monitoring strategies
Indiana Water Resources Association

Indiana Water Resources Association

The Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) was founded in 1979 as a state affiliate of the American Water Resources Association to promote water resources research, education, and communication in Indiana. The IWRA is an organization of several hundred professionals and students working in all aspects of water resources. Its members include scientists, engineers, regulators, educators, policy-makers, and students from government agencies, universities, industry, consulting firms, and other water related groups.

Purdue University Institute for a Sustainable Future

Purdue University Institute for a Sustainable Future

Purdue University’s Institute for a Sustainable Future fosters and promotes research, partnerships, and engagement in areas including the environment, climate impacts and resilience, food-energy-water security, human and biosphere health, and sustainability as broadly defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The complex, multi-factor, and pressing nature of the challenges and opportunities in these areas require a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach.  This Institute supports the research and development needed to provide viable solutions by connecting faculty and researchers, and by forging linkages between disciplines and communities within Purdue and beyond.  In this way, the Institute aligns with Purdue’s Land Grant Mission of building human capital, advancing research focused on our world’s most important problems and engaging deeply with our partners.