Factsheet – Assessment of nutrient sources and usage during harmful algal blooms (HABs) and algae eutrophication events using stable isotopes: Implications for water quality in the Wabash River

A research project funded by the Indiana Water Resources Research Center through the U.S. Geological Survey’s 104B annual base grants (section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, as amended).

9Start Date: 2018-03-01

End Date: 2019-02-28

Total Federal Funds: $15,000

Total Non-Federal Funds: $31,322

Excessive growth of cyanobacteria and algae in Indiana’s waterways is a persistent and growing problem. Rapid proliferation of cyanobacteria, known as harmful algae blooms (HABs), are of concern because toxins released by decaying bacteria can have adverse health effects on humans, pets, and livestock. They can also bioaccumulate in benthic organisms, which can threaten aquatic ecosystem function and health.

Rapid algal growth, generally referred to as eutrophication, can also have negative ecosystem impacts. Decaying organic matter produced during eutrophication consumes dissolved oxygen, depriving higher organisms of adequate oxygen needed to survive. Much of riverine organic matter generated in the Midwest is transported to the Gulf of Mexico and contributes to coastal hypoxia, known as dead zones, threatening valuable recreational and commercial fishing enterprises. Therefore, understanding the nutrient dynamics that leads to HABs and eutrophication and the source of these nutrients is of great interest to Midwestern and Southern stakeholders.

This project will use isotope analysis to expand our understanding of sources of nutrients in the Wabash River and how these nutrients are utilized by algae and bacteria during transport through the Region of the Great Bend of the Wabash River watershed.

Research Objectives

1. Assess how cyanobacteria and native Wabash River algae uptake nitrate and phosphate under different temperatures and determine what isotope effects result from this uptake.

        Lab incubations of a variety of cyanobacteria were carried out at 20°C and 30°C.


2. Assess how microbial denitrification alter nitrate and phosphate concentrations and how this process alters the isotopic composition of these nutrients.

        Agricultural soils from a bioreactor and incubation experiments using Wabash River sediments were used to determine isotope enrichment of nitrate factors caused by denitrification.



3. Continue bi-annual isotopic analysis of nitrate and phosphate collected from the Wabash River.

        Water samples collected through the bi-annual citizen science event, Wabash River Sampling Blitz coordinated by the Wabash River Enhancement Corporation, were analyzed for nitrate and phosphorus.

Region of the Great Bend of the Wabash River watershed.
Region of the Great Bend of the Wabash River watershed.

Researcher Profile

Dr. Greg Michalski

Principal Investigator Dr. Greg Michalski is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University.

Major Conclusions & Significance

  • Demonstrated the increase in growth rate of five strains of cyanobacteria algae at elevated temperature compared to room temperature under the same nutrient and light flux.
  • Detected a small isotope effect on nitrogen that occurred in one of the strains of cyanobacteria algae suggesting a switch from Nitrogen uptake to Nitrogen fixation at elevated temperatures.
  • Developed a new method for analyzing nitrate isotopes using Titanium (3+) reduction in acidic solution. This method is faster, less expensive, and more efficient that previous methods.

What Does This Mean For Indiana?

The results of this project indicated highly elevated stable isotope values of nitrate, suggesting that the nitrate in the Wabash River has undergone significant denitrification either prior to arriving at the river or in the river on sediment particles and sediment. Therefore, significant nitrogen loss is occurring between soils and the river as a function of transport. This loss could be occurring in soils, during migration through buffer zones and ditches, in stream/river sediments, or on suspended sediments in the river. This nitrogen loss minimizes export of nitrogen to coastal waters and mediates hypoxia events.

Training The Next Generation

One of the missions of the Indiana Water Resources Research Center, and all Water Centers, is to train the next generation of water scientists. This project successfully funded research for two Ph.D. students within Dr. Michalski’s lab and trained three undergraduate researchers.


Contact Laura Esman, Managing Director, to request a printed copy of this factsheet.